Blowfish Meets Meteor is Available Now For iPad!

Blowfish Meets Meteor is now available natively for iPad, and it comes with a host of new improvements!


  • Totally overhauled physics for smoother, snappier gameplay
  • Completely new scoring system to reward power players
  • New music, sounds, and animation
  • Ability to quickly skip between levels

And it’s Universal, so you can buy it once and play it on both your iPhone AND your iPad! Grab it here:

Blowfish Meets Meteor Launches Today!

After three long years, Blowfish Meets Meteor has finally launched! It’s an incredible feeling — equal parts excitement and anxiety. Waking up and finding positive reviews trickling onto the interwebs is amazing and surreal all at once. Having spent so long locked in a room making this thing, it suddenly seems strange that other people are playing it. I imagine this is what it feels like when your child goes off to school for the first time; you nurtured them as much as you could, for as long as you could, but now they’ll be exposed to the world at large. And that’s great! And terrifying.

You can download the game here. Please do — and be sure to let us know what you think! 

BMM Is Now on the App Store

Blowfish Meets Meteor Launch Announcement

It’s been a long haul.

When we started this project, I genuinely thought it would take a couple months to knock out. I didn’t imagine it would become the six-world, eight-boss, five-hours-to-speedrun monstrosity that it is today. I didn’t imagine it would spawn a full-on game company. I didn’t imagine that we’d get a ton of amazing fans who, for some weird reason, seem to actually care about this thing. But here we are, and I couldn’t be happier. This is the start of something incredibly special.

Thank you for your patience, and thank you for being a fan. Let’s do this.

Blowfish Meets Meteor launches Valentine’s Day 2014.

Blowfish Meets Meteor launches Valentine's Day 2014

Mermaid Monday: Pirate Edition

My favorite thing about Mermaid Mondays is that they let us explore Blowfish Meets Meteor’s world beyond the game itself. The in-game storytelling owes a lot to the early console mascot-platformer days: there’s no dialogue, and we instead tried to convey everything visually through the atmosphere and animation. As such, there’s a lot of personality and backstory that simply didn’t fit the format, and Mermaid Mondays give us a way to share it with you.

Blowfish Meets Meteor: Mermaid Monday 9

Sentient ships love kidnapping mermaid children; they’re worth their weight in sand dollars.

An Alarmingly Violent Mermaid Monday

One of my favorite parts of Blowfish Meets Meteor is that the game constantly lets you pop sea creatures. You get to pop blowfish with a meteor — a meteor! — and you get to use the powerups that fall out of their withered balloon-skin husks to pop other things with even greater temerity. You pop electric eels with sentient oyster school supplies. Your mermaid daughters pop octopi with sewing needles the size of their forearms. You’ll pop piranhas — a lot of them — with torpedoes and dynamite and laser beams. At one point, you pop a straight-up Pinocchio whale — from the inside.

And we made it satisfying. Really, really satisfying. Because popping sea creatures is the literal, singular future of video games, and we built Blowfish Meets Meteor from the ground-up to be the best place in existence to do it.

Blowfish Meets Meteor :: Mermaid Monday 8

Mermaid children carry tiny pins. Sometimes, they’re for sewing. Other times, they’re for mercilessly popping sea creatures.

A Particularly Distressing Screenshot Saturday

Blowfish Meets Meteor is packed with little vignettes that tell a goofy little story, and we wanted to start showing them off today. This screen is from the opening cinematic, where we showcase the block-avalanche that traps your Mermaid daughters and set the scene for you to rescue them.

Blowfish Meets Meteor :: Screenshot Saturday

Blowfish Meets Meteor :: Screenshot Saturday


As always, we’re getting closer and closer to launch (you know it’s close when the story sequences start going in!) You can look forward to some gloriously story-centric block-breaker action on both iPad and iPhone.

A Particularly Ominous Mermaid Monday

Given that Piranhas are the primary grunt enemy for most of Blowfish Meets Meteor, it was only a matter of time before they infiltrated Mermaid Mondays. You’ll spend a lot of the game destroying these gigantic, villainous fish by any means necessary, be it with sentient sticks of TNT, gigantic laser beams, explosive torpedoes, or any number of other weapons. Sometimes, you’ll even drop zombies on them.

Blowfish Meets Meteor: Mermaid Monday 7

Giant piranhas positively adore the taste of mermaid flesh. Adore.

Blowfish Meets Meteor is coming soon to the iPhone and iPad.